ToBeOptimized - Easy

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18. 4sum

Given an array S of n integers, are there elements a, b, c, and d in S such that a + b + c + d = target? Find all unique quadruplets in the array which gives the sum of target.

Note: The solution set must not contain duplicate quadruplets.

For example, given array S = [1, 0, -1, 0, -2, 2], and target = 0.

A solution set is:
  [-1,  0, 0, 1],
  [-2, -1, 1, 2],
  [-2,  0, 0, 2]

class Solution(object):
  def fourSum(self, nums, target):
    :type nums: List[int]
    :type target: int
    :rtype: List[List[int]]
    res = []
    for i in range(0, len(nums)):
      if i > 0 and nums[i] == nums[i - 1]:
      for j in range(i + 1, len(nums)):
        if j > i + 1 and nums[j] == nums[j - 1]:
        start = j + 1
        end = len(nums) - 1
        while start < end:
          sum = nums[i] + nums[j] + nums[start] + nums[end]
          if sum < target:
            start += 1
          elif sum > target:
            end -= 1
            res.append((nums[i], nums[j], nums[start], nums[end]))
            start += 1
            end -= 1
            while start < end and nums[start] == nums[start - 1]:
              start += 1
            while start < end and nums[end] == nums[end + 1]:
              end -= 1
    return res

class Solution(object):
    def fourSum(self, nums, target):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :type target: int
        :rtype: List[List[int]]
        length = len(nums)

        # Get all the two sums and their two addend's index.
        two_sums_dict = {}
        for i in range(length):
            for j in range(i+1, length):
                two_sums = nums[i] + nums[j]
                if two_sums not in two_sums_dict:
                    two_sums_dict[two_sums] = []
                two_sums_dict[two_sums].append([i, j])

        sums_list = two_sums_dict.keys
        solution = []

[1, 0, -1, 0, -2, 2]

125. Valid Palindrome

Given a string, determine if it is a palindrome, considering only alphanumeric characters and ignoring cases.

For example,
"A man, a plan, a canal: Panama" is a palindrome.
"race a car" is not a palindrome.

Have you consider that the string might be empty? This is a good question to ask during an interview.

For the purpose of this problem, we define empty string as valid palindrome.

class Solution(object):
  def isPalindrome(self, s):
    :type s: str
    :rtype: bool
    start, end = 0, len(s) - 1
    while start < end:
      if not s[start].isalnum():
        start += 1
      if not s[end].isalnum():
        end -= 1
      if s[start].lower() != s[end].lower():
        return False
      start += 1
      end -= 1
    return True

class Solution(object):
    def isPalindrome(self, s):
        :type s: str
        :rtype: bool
        alpha_num_str = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
        s = s.upper()
        s_l = len(s)
        pre = 0
        post = s_l - 1
        while pre < post and pre < s_l and post >= 0:
            # Remember the situation ",,..".
            # Make sure pre and post don't
            while pre < s_l and s[pre] not in alpha_num_str:
                pre += 1
            while post >= 0 and s[post] not in alpha_num_str:
                post -= 1
            if pre >= post:
            if s[pre] != s[post]:
                return False
            pre += 1
            post -= 1

        return True

"A man, a plan, a canal: Panama"
"race a car"

127. Word Ladder

Given two words (beginWord and endWord), and a dictionary's word list, find the length of shortest transformation sequence from beginWord to endWord, such that:

Only one letter can be changed at a time.
Each transformed word must exist in the word list. Note that beginWord is not a transformed word.

For example,

beginWord = "hit"
endWord = "cog"
wordList = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log","cog"]

As one shortest transformation is "hit" -> "hot" -> "dot" -> "dog" -> "cog",
return its length 5.


Return 0 if there is no such transformation sequence.
All words have the same length.
All words contain only lowercase alphabetic characters.
You may assume no duplicates in the word list.
You may assume beginWord and endWord are non-empty and are not the same.

UPDATE (2017/1/20):
The wordList parameter had been changed to a list of strings (instead of a set of strings). Please reload the code definition to get the latest changes.

import string
from collections import deque

class Solution(object):
  def ladderLength(self, beginWord, endWord, wordList):
    :type beginWord: str
    :type endWord: str
    :type wordList: Set[str]
    :rtype: int

    def getNbrs(src, dest, wordList):
      res = []
      for c in string.ascii_lowercase:
        for i in range(0, len(src)):
          newWord = src[:i] + c + src[i + 1:]
          if newWord == src:
          if newWord in wordList or newWord == dest:
            yield newWord

    queue = deque([beginWord])
    length = 0
    while queue:
      length += 1
      for k in range(0, len(queue)):
        top = queue.popleft()
        for nbr in getNbrs(top, endWord, wordList):
          if nbr == endWord:
            return length + 1
    return 0

class Solution(object):

    def ladderLength(self, beginWord, endWord, wordList):
        Breadth First Search
        When build the adjacency tree, skip the visited word
        if beginWord == endWord:
            return 1
        cur_level = [beginWord]
        next_level = []
        visited_word = {}
        visited_word[beginWord] = 1
        length = 0
        while cur_level:
            length += 1
            for cur_word in cur_level:
                cur_len = len(cur_word)
                one_distance = 0
                for i in range(cur_len):
                    if cur_word[i] != endWord[i]:
                        if one_distance == 1:
                            one_distance = 0
                        one_distance += 1
                if one_distance == 1:
                    return length + 1

                # Get the next level
                # When I put "" in the out loop, it just exceeded.
                for i in range(cur_len):
                    pre_word = cur_word[:i]
                    post_word = cur_word[i+1:]
                    for j in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz":
                        next_word = pre_word + j + post_word
                        if (next_word not in visited_word and
                                next_word in wordList):
                            visited_word[next_word] = 1
            # Scan the next level then
            cur_level = next_level
            next_level = []
        return 0

    """ disapproved, when wordList growth bigger, it may be called too many times
    def is_one_distance(self, word_1, word_2):
        # alert(len(word_1) == len(word_2))
        word_l = len(word_1)
        one_distance = False
        for i in range(word_l):
            if word_1[i] != word_2[i]:
                if not one_distance:
                    one_distance = True
                    return False

        return one_distance
""" Test Case
if __name__ == '__main__':
    sol = Solution()
    print sol.ladderLength("hit", "cog", ["hot", "dot", "dog", "lot", "log"])
    print sol.ladderLength("hit", "cog", ["hot", "dot", "doh", "lot", "loh"])
    print sol.ladderLength(
        "hit", "cog",
        ["hot", "dot", "dog", "lot", "log", "hig", "hog"])
    print sol.ladderLength(
        ["kid", "tag", "pup", "ail", "tun", "woo", "erg", "luz", "brr", "gay",
         "sip", "kay", "per", "val", "mes", "ohs", "now", "boa", "cet", "pal",
         "bar", "die", "war", "hay", "eco", "pub", "lob", "rue", "fry", "lit",
         "rex", "jan", "cot", "bid", "ali", "pay", "col", "gum", "ger", "row",
         "won", "dan", "rum", "fad", "tut", "sag", "yip", "sui", "ark", "has",
         "zip", "fez", "own", "ump", "dis", "ads", "max", "jaw", "out", "btu",
         "ana", "gap", "cry", "led", "abe", "box", "ore", "pig", "fie", "toy",
         "fat", "cal", "lie", "noh", "sew", "ono", "tam", "flu", "mgm", "ply",
         "awe", "pry", "tit", "tie", "yet", "too", "tax", "jim", "san", "pan",
         "map", "ski", "ova", "wed", "non", "wac", "nut", "why", "bye", "lye",
         "oct", "old", "fin", "feb", "chi", "sap", "owl", "log", "tod", "dot",
         "bow", "fob", "for", "joe", "ivy", "fan", "age", "fax", "hip", "jib",
         "mel", "hus", "sob", "ifs", "tab", "ara", "dab", "jag", "jar", "arm",
         "lot", "tom", "sax", "tex", "yum", "pei", "wen", "wry", "ire", "irk",
         "far", "mew", "wit", "doe", "gas", "rte", "ian", "pot", "ask", "wag",
         "hag", "amy", "nag", "ron", "soy", "gin", "don", "tug", "fay", "vic",
         "boo", "nam", "ave", "buy", "sop", "but", "orb", "fen", "paw", "his",
         "sub", "bob", "yea", "oft", "inn", "rod", "yam", "pew", "web", "hod",
         "hun", "gyp", "wei", "wis", "rob", "gad", "pie", "mon", "dog", "bib",
         "rub", "ere", "dig", "era", "cat", "fox", "bee", "mod", "day", "apr",
         "vie", "nev", "jam", "pam", "new", "aye", "ani", "and", "ibm", "yap",
         "can", "pyx", "tar", "kin", "fog", "hum", "pip", "cup", "dye", "lyx",
         "jog", "nun", "par", "wan", "fey", "bus", "oak", "bad", "ats", "set",
         "qom", "vat", "eat", "pus", "rev", "axe", "ion", "six", "ila", "lao",
         "mom", "mas", "pro", "few", "opt", "poe", "art", "ash", "oar", "cap",
         "lop", "may", "shy", "rid", "bat", "sum", "rim", "fee", "bmw", "sky",
         "maj", "hue", "thy", "ava", "rap", "den", "fla", "auk", "cox", "ibo",
         "hey", "saw", "vim", "sec", "ltd", "you", "its", "tat", "dew", "eva",
         "tog", "ram", "let", "see", "zit", "maw", "nix", "ate", "gig", "rep",
         "owe", "ind", "hog", "eve", "sam", "zoo", "any", "dow", "cod", "bed",
         "vet", "ham", "sis", "hex", "via", "fir", "nod", "mao", "aug", "mum",
         "hoe", "bah", "hal", "keg", "hew", "zed", "tow", "gog", "ass", "dem",
         "who", "bet", "gos", "son", "ear", "spy", "kit", "boy", "due", "sen",
         "oaf", "mix", "hep", "fur", "ada", "bin", "nil", "mia", "ewe", "hit",
         "fix", "sad", "rib", "eye", "hop", "haw", "wax", "mid", "tad", "ken",
         "wad", "rye", "pap", "bog", "gut", "ito", "woe", "our", "ado", "sin",
         "mad", "ray", "hon", "roy", "dip", "hen", "iva", "lug", "asp", "hui",
         "yak", "bay", "poi", "yep", "bun", "try", "lad", "elm", "nat", "wyo",
         "gym", "dug", "toe", "dee", "wig", "sly", "rip", "geo", "cog", "pas",
         "zen", "odd", "nan", "lay", "pod", "fit", "hem", "joy", "bum", "rio",
         "yon", "dec", "leg", "put", "sue", "dim", "pet", "yaw", "nub", "bit",
         "bur", "sid", "sun", "oil", "red", "doc", "moe", "caw", "eel", "dix",
         "cub", "end", "gem", "off", "yew", "hug", "pop", "tub", "sgt", "lid",
         "pun", "ton", "sol", "din", "yup", "jab", "pea", "bug", "gag", "mil",
         "jig", "hub", "low", "did", "tin", "get", "gte", "sox", "lei", "mig",
         "fig", "lon", "use", "ban", "flo", "nov", "jut", "bag", "mir", "sty",
         "lap", "two", "ins", "con", "ant", "net", "tux", "ode", "stu", "mug",
         "cad", "nap", "gun", "fop", "tot", "sow", "sal", "sic", "ted", "wot",
         "del", "imp", "cob", "way", "ann", "tan", "mci", "job", "wet", "ism",
         "err", "him", "all", "pad", "hah", "hie", "aim", "ike", "jed", "ego",
         "mac", "baa", "min", "com", "ill", "was", "cab", "ago", "ina", "big",
         "ilk", "gal", "tap", "duh", "ola", "ran", "lab", "top", "gob", "hot",
         "ora", "tia", "kip", "han", "met", "hut", "she", "sac", "fed", "goo",
         "tee", "ell", "not", "act", "gil", "rut", "ala", "ape", "rig", "cid",
         "god", "duo", "lin", "aid", "gel", "awl", "lag", "elf", "liz", "ref",
         "aha", "fib", "oho", "tho", "her", "nor", "ace", "adz", "fun", "ned",
         "coo", "win", "tao", "coy", "van", "man", "pit", "guy", "foe", "hid",
         "mai", "sup", "jay", "hob", "mow", "jot", "are", "pol", "arc", "lax",
         "aft", "alb", "len", "air", "pug", "pox", "vow", "got", "meg", "zoe",
         "amp", "ale", "bud", "gee", "pin", "dun", "pat", "ten", "mob"]

131. palindrome partitioning

Given a string s, partition s such that every substring of the partition is a palindrome.

Return all possible palindrome partitioning of s.

For example, given s = "aab",



class Solution(object):
  def partition(self, s):
    :type s: str
    :rtype: List[List[str]]
    pal = [[False for i in range(0, len(s))] for j in range(0, len(s))]
    ans = [[[]]] + [[] for _ in range(len(s))]

    for i in range(0, len(s)):
      for j in range(0, i + 1):
        if (s[j] == s[i]) and ((j + 1 > i - 1) or (pal[j + 1][i - 1])):
          pal[j][i] = True
          for res in ans[j]:
            a = res + [s[j:i + 1]]
            ans[i + 1].append(a)
    return ans[-1]

class Solution(object):
    def partition(self, s):
        if not s:
            return []
        self.result = []
        self.end = len(s)
        self.str = s

        self.is_palindrome = [[False for i in range(self.end)]
                              for j in range(self.end)]

        for i in range(self.end-1, -1, -1):
            for j in range(self.end):
                if i > j:
                elif j-i < 2 and s[i] == s[j]:
                    self.is_palindrome[i][j] = True
                elif self.is_palindrome[i+1][j-1] and s[i] == s[j]:
                    self.is_palindrome[i][j] = True
                    self.is_palindrome[i][j] = False

        self.palindrome_partition(0, [])
        return self.result

    def palindrome_partition(self, start, sub_strs):
        if start == self.end:
            # It's confused the following sentence doesn't work.
            # self.result.append(sub_strs)

        for i in range(start, self.end):
            if self.is_palindrome[start][i]:
                self.palindrome_partition(i+1, sub_strs)
                sub_strs.pop()      # Backtracking here

if __name__ == "__main__":
    sol = Solution()
    print sol.partition("aab")
    print sol.partition("aabb")
    print sol.partition("aabaa")
    print sol.partition("acbca")
    print sol.partition("acbbca")

132. palindrome partitioning 2

Given a string s, partition s such that every substring of the partition is a palindrome.

Return the minimum cuts needed for a palindrome partitioning of s.

For example, given s = "aab", Return 1 since the palindrome partitioning ["aa","b"] could be produced using 1 cut.

""" :type s: str :rtype: int """ pal = [[False for j in range(0, len(s))] for i in range(0, len(s))] dp = [len(s) for _ in range(0, len(s) + 1)] for i in range(0, len(s)):

for j in range(0, i + 1):
if (s[i] == s[j]) and ((j + 1 > i - 1) or (pal[i - 1][j + 1])):
pal[i][j] = True dp[i + 1] = min(dp[i + 1], dp[j] + 1) if j != 0 else 0

return dp[-1]

Dynamic Programming: cuts[i]: minimum cuts needed for a palindrome partitioning of s[i:] is_palindrome[i][j]: whether s[i:i+1] is palindrome """ def minCut(self, s):

if not s:
return 0

s_len = len(s)

is_palindrome = [[False for i in range(s_len)]
for j in range(s_len)]

cuts = [s_len-1-i for i in range(s_len)] for i in range(s_len-1, -1, -1):

for j in range(i, s_len):

# if self.is_palindrome(i, j): if ((j-i < 2 and s[i] == s[j]) or

(s[i] == s[j] and is_palindrome[i+1][j-1])):

is_palindrome[i][j] = True if j == s_len - 1:

cuts[i] = 0
cuts[i] = min(cuts[i], 1+cuts[j+1])

return cuts[0]

""" if __name__ == "__main__":

sol = Solution() print sol.minCut("aab") print sol.minCut("aabb") print sol.minCut("aabaa") print sol.minCut("acbca") print sol.minCut("acbbca")


""" Dynamic Programming: """ def minCut(self, s):

s_len = len(s) # number of minnum cuts for the pre i characters min_cuts = [i-1 for i in range(s_len+1)]

for i in range(s_len):

# odd length palindrome j = 0 while i-j >= 0 and i+j < s_len:

if s[i-j] == s[i+j]:
min_cuts[i+j+1] = min(min_cuts[i+j+1], min_cuts[i-j]+1) j += 1

# even length palindrome j = 1 while i-j+1 >= 0 and i+j < s_len:

if s[i-j+1] == s[i+j]:
min_cuts[i+j+1] = min(min_cuts[i+j+1], min_cuts[i-j+1]+1) j += 1

return min_cuts[s_len]

""" if __name__ == "__main__":

sol = Solution() print sol.minCut("aab") print sol.minCut("aabb") print sol.minCut("aabaa") print sol.minCut("acbca") print sol.minCut("acbbca")


140. Word break 2

Given a non-empty string s and a dictionary wordDict containing a list of non-empty words, add spaces in s to construct a sentence where each word is a valid dictionary word. You may assume the dictionary does not contain duplicate words.

Return all such possible sentences.

For example, given
s = "catsanddog",
dict = ["cat", "cats", "and", "sand", "dog"].

A solution is ["cats and dog", "cat sand dog"].

UPDATE (2017/1/4):
The wordDict parameter had been changed to a list of strings (instead of a set of strings). Please reload the code definition to get the latest changes.

class Solution(object):
  def wordBreak(self, s, wordDict):
    :type s: str
    :type wordDict: Set[str]
    :rtype: List[str]
    res = []
    if not self.checkWordBreak(s, wordDict):
      return res
    queue = [(0, "")]
    slen = len(s)
    lenList = [l for l in set(map(len, wordDict))]
    while queue:
      tmpqueue = []
      for q in queue:
        start, path = q
        for l in lenList:
          if start + l <= slen and s[start:start + l] in wordDict:
            newnode = (start + l, path + " " + s[start:start + l] if path else s[start:start + l])
            if start + l == slen:
      queue, tmpqueue = tmpqueue, []
    return res

  def checkWordBreak(self, s, wordDict):
    :type s: str
    :type wordDict: Set[str]
    :rtype: bool
    queue = [0]
    slen = len(s)
    lenList = [l for l in set(map(len, wordDict))]
    visited = [0 for _ in range(0, slen + 1)]
    while queue:
      tmpqueue = []
      for start in queue:
        for l in lenList:
          if s[start:start + l] in wordDict:
            if start + l == slen:
              return True
            if visited[start + l] == 0:
              tmpqueue.append(start + l)
              visited[start + l] = 1
      queue, tmpqueue = tmpqueue, []
    return False

class Solution(object):
    Dynamic Programming
    dp[i]: if s[i:] can be broken to wordDict. then:
    dp[i-1] = s[i:i+k] in wordDict and dp[i+k+1], for all the possible k.
    def wordBreak(self, s, wordDict):
        if not s:
            return [""]

        self.s_len = len(s)
        self.result = []
        self.str = s
        self.words = wordDict

        dp = [False for i in range(self.s_len + 1)]
        dp[-1] = True

        for i in range(self.s_len - 1, -1, -1):
            k = 0
            while k + i < self.s_len:
                cur_fisrt_word = self.str[i:i+k+1]
                if cur_fisrt_word in self.words and dp[i + k + 1]:
                    dp[i] = True

                k += 1

        self.word_break(0, [], dp)
        return self.result

    # Depth First Search
    def word_break(self, start, word_list, dp):
        if start == self.s_len:
            self.result.append(" ".join(word_list))

        k = 0
        while start+k < self.s_len:
            cur_word = self.str[start:start+k+1]
            if cur_word in self.words and dp[start+k+1]:
                self.word_break(start+k+1, word_list, dp)
            k += 1
["leet", "code", "lee", "t"]

279. Perfect squares

Given a positive integer n, find the least number of perfect square numbers (for example, 1, 4, 9, 16, ...) which sum to n.

For example, given n = 12, return 3 because 12 = 4 + 4 + 4; given n = 13, return 2 because 13 = 4 + 9.

Credits:Special thanks to for adding this problem and creating all test cases.

class Solution(object):
  def numSquares(self, n):
    :type n: int
    :rtype: int
    squares = []
    j = 1
    while j * j <= n:
      squares.append(j * j)
      j += 1
    level = 0
    queue = [n]
    visited = [False] * (n + 1)
    while queue:
      level += 1
      temp = []
      for q in queue:
        for factor in squares:
          if q - factor == 0:
            return level
          if q - factor < 0:
          if visited[q - factor]:
          temp.append(q - factor)
          visited[q - factor] = True
      queue = temp
    return level

# Dynamic Programming with static variable
class Solution(object):
    # Since dp is a static vector, we have already calculated the result
    # during previous function calls and we can just return the result now.
    _dp = [0]

    def numSquares(self, n):
        dp = self._dp
        while len(dp) <= n:
            i = len(dp)
            min_count = 2 ** 31 - 1
            for j in range(1, int(i**0.5) + 1):
                min_count = min(min_count, dp[i-j*j]+1)
        return dp[n]

# Dynamic Programming
# Easy to undersrtand but unfortually "Time Limit Exceeded"
class Solution_2(object):
    def numSquares(self, n):
        dp = [0] * (n+1)
        for i in range(1, n+1):
            min_count = 2 ** 31 - 1
            for j in range(1, int(i**0.5) + 1):
                min_count = min(min_count, dp[i-j*j]+1)
            dp[i] = min_count
        return dp[n]


322. Coin Change

You are given coins of different denominations and a total amount of money amount. Write a function to compute the fewest number of coins that you need to make up that amount. If that amount of money cannot be made up by any combination of the coins, return -1.

Example 1:
coins = [1, 2, 5], amount = 11
return 3 (11 = 5 + 5 + 1)

Example 2:
coins = [2], amount = 3
return -1.

You may assume that you have an infinite number of each kind of coin.

Credits:Special thanks to for adding this problem and creating all test cases.

class Solution(object):
  def coinChange(self, coins, amount):
    :type coins: List[int]
    :type amount: int
    :rtype: int

    dp = [float("inf")] * (amount + 1)
    dp[0] = 0
    for i in range(1, amount + 1):
      for coin in coins:
        if i - coin >= 0:
          dp[i] = min(dp[i], dp[i - coin] + 1)
    return dp[-1] if dp[-1] != float("inf") else -1

class Solution(object):
    def coinChange(self, coins, amount):
        Very classic dynamic programming problem, like 0-1 Knapsack problem.
        dp[i] is the fewest number of coins making up amount i,
        then for every coin in coins, dp[i] = min(dp[i - coin] + 1).
        dp = [amount + 1] * (amount+1)
        dp[0] = 0
        for i in xrange(amount+1):
            for coin in coins:
                if coin <= i:
                    dp[i] = min(dp[i], dp[i-coin]+1)
        return -1 if dp[amount] > amount else dp[amount]

class Solution_2(object):
    def coinChange(self, coins, amount):
        # BFS Way.  Scan the possible tree level by level. More Faster!
        if amount == 0:
            return 0
        amounts = [False] * (amount + 1)
        coins_sum = [0]
        count = 0

        # upper bound on number of coins (+1 to represent the impossible case)
        coins.sort(reverse = True)
        upperBound = amount / coins[-1] + 1

        # Use upperBound to pruning.
        while coins_sum and count < upperBound:
            new_coins_sum = []
            count += 1
            for s in coins_sum:
                for coin in coins:
                    new_sum = s + coin
                    if new_sum == amount:
                        return count
                    elif new_sum > amount:
                    elif not amounts[new_sum]:
                        amounts[new_sum] = True
            coins_sum = new_coins_sum
        return -1

[1, 2, 5]

324. Wiggle Sort 2

Given an unsorted array nums, reorder it such that
nums[0] < nums[1] > nums[2] < nums[3]....

(1) Given nums = [1, 5, 1, 1, 6, 4], one possible answer is [1, 4, 1, 5, 1, 6].
(2) Given nums = [1, 3, 2, 2, 3, 1], one possible answer is [2, 3, 1, 3, 1, 2].

You may assume all input has valid answer.

Follow Up:
Can you do it in O(n) time and/or in-place with O(1) extra space?

Credits:Special thanks to @dietpepsi for adding this problem and creating all test cases.

import random

class Solution(object):
  def wiggleSort(self, nums):
    :type nums: List[int]
    :rtype: void Do not return anything, modify nums in-place instead.
    if len(nums) <= 2:
    numscopy = nums + []
    mid = self.quickselect(0, len(nums) - 1, nums, len(nums) / 2 - 1)
    ans = [mid] * len(nums)
    if len(nums) % 2 == 0:
      l = len(nums) - 2
      r = 1
      for i in range(0, len(nums)):
        if nums[i] < mid:
          ans[l] = nums[i]
          l -= 2
        elif nums[i] > mid:
          ans[r] = nums[i]
          r += 2
      l = 0
      r = len(nums) - 2
      for i in range(0, len(nums)):
        if nums[i] < mid:
          ans[l] = nums[i]
          l += 2
        elif nums[i] > mid:
          ans[r] = nums[i]
          r -= 2
    for i in range(0, len(nums)):
      nums[i] = ans[i]

  def quickselect(self, start, end, A, k):
    if start == end:
      return A[start]

    mid = self.partition(start, end, A)

    if mid == k:
      return A[k]
    elif mid > k:
      return self.quickselect(start, mid - 1, A, k)
      return self.quickselect(mid + 1, end, A, k)

  def partition(self, start, end, A):
    left, right = start, end
    pivot = A[left]
    while left < right:
      while left < right and A[right] <= pivot:
        right -= 1
      A[left] = A[right]
      while left < right and A[left] >= pivot:
        left += 1
      A[right] = A[left]
    A[left] = pivot
    return left

class Solution(object):
    def wiggleSort(self, nums):
        Clear solutionm, explanation and proof can be found here:
        half = (len(nums[::2])) - 1
        # Consider [4,5,5,6]
        # half = (len(nums)+1) // 2
        # nums[::2], nums[1::2] = nums[:half], nums[half:]
        nums[::2], nums[1::2] = nums[half::-1], nums[:half:-1]

class Solution_2(object):
    def wiggleSort(self, nums):
        O(n)-time O(1)-space solution, no sort here.
        According to:

[4, 5, 5, 6]
[1, 5, 1, 1, 6, 4]
[1, 3, 2, 2, 3, 1]